Embracing Families

Inspiring Lives


Frequently Asked Questions

Will therapy be able to help me with my issues?

Most people find therapy extremely beneficial; however, some may find that therapy was not helpful.  In the therapeutic relationship, there is a collaboration between the client and the therapist.  Most people find therapy to be supportive.  The coping strategies, guidance, and encouragement that a person receives from therapy helps them feel better and assist in resolving issues in the most difficult situations.

Is talking to my family and friends the same as talking to a therapist?

There is a difference between talking with your family/friends versus a therapist about your concerns.  Counselors or therapists are professionally trained to actively listen objectively and confidentially.  Additionally, they actively listen in an objective manner to help you recognize patterns in your life that may contribute to current problems and help you alter those patterns.  You may be challenged by the therapist to explore different viewpoints to challenge distorted perceptions from the past that may be affecting your present relationships or situations.   

It is always a benefit to have the support of family and friends, but there are times when they may not provide objectivity.  Family and friends may not be able to relate or understand your thoughts or feelings.  They may have strong feelings or expectations about how they want you to proceed thus hindering your freedom to decide what's best.  By using a therapist, you can discuss any issues and know that the conversation is confidential. 

Can therapy help me communicate better with others?
Communication is essential in all relationships (familial, business, couples, etc.).  Therapy assists in many ways.  Individuals learn how to express themselves in a way that is effective and not offensive.  Therapeutic approaches are designed to enhance social interactions by: (1) being able to effectively and clearly express needs, feelings, opinions, and preferences, (2) handle criticism, rejection, and aggression, (3) resolve conflict.  Moreover, therapy also focuses on the nonverbal aspects of communication. 

I have a child/teenager who is unruly and defiant.  Will therapy help?
Therapy is beneficial to controlling and modifying behaviors.  When parents actively participate in therapeutic interventions and strive to achieve the goals set in therapy, the success rate of therapy increases.  It may not be an immediate change in behavior, motivation, and attitudes with therapy, but over time, changes may be slight to moderate.  At Family and Youth Interventions, we implement behavioral modification strategies and techniques that are effective and research-driven. 

How long will therapy take



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